
Modal 模态框组件


组件会在背景组件上层渲染其 children 节点。 模态框提供了一些重要的功能:

  • 💄 管理了当一次只显示一个不能满足时的模态框堆叠。
  • 🔐 创建了一个背景暗化组件,这样能禁用在模态框之外的交互。
  • 🔐 在模态框打开时禁用页面内容的滚动。
  • ♿️ 它妥善管理焦点;移动到模态内容,并保持内容一直存在直到模态框关闭。
  • ♿️ 自动添加适当的 ARIA 角色。

If you are creating a modal dialog, you probably want to use the Dialog component rather than directly using Modal. Modal is a lower-level construct that is leveraged by the following components:

Basic modal

Press Enter to start editing

Notice that you can disable the outline (often blue or gold) with the outline: 0 CSS property.

Nested modal

Modals can be nested, for example a select within a dialog, but stacking of more than two modals, or any two modals with a backdrop is discouraged.

Press Enter to start editing


The open/close state of the modal can be animated with a transition component. This component should respect the following conditions:

  • Be a direct child descendent of the modal.
  • Have an in prop. This corresponds to the open/close state.
  • Call the onEnter callback prop when the enter transition starts.
  • Call the onExited callback prop when the exit transition is completed. These two callbacks allow the modal to unmount the child content when closed and fully transitioned.

Modal has built-in support for react-transition-group.

Alternatively, you can use react-spring.


The content of modal is unmounted when closed. If you need to make the content available to search engines or render expensive component trees inside your modal while optimizing for interaction responsiveness it might be a good idea to change this default behavior by enabling the keepMounted prop:

<Modal keepMounted />

As with any performance optimization, this is not a silver bullet. Be sure to identify bottlenecks first, and then try out these optimization strategies.

Server-side modal

React doesn't support the createPortal() API on the server. In order to display the modal, you need to disable the portal feature with the disablePortal prop:



The modal moves the focus back to the body of the component if the focus tries to escape it.

This is done for accessibility purposes. However, it might create issues. In the event the users need to interact with another part of the page, e.g. with a chatbot window, you can disable the behavior:

<Modal disableEnforceFocus />


(WAI-ARIA: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/dialogmodal/)

  • Be sure to add aria-labelledby="id...", referencing the modal title, to the Modal. Additionally, you may give a description of your modal with the aria-describedby="id..." prop on the Modal.

    <Modal aria-labelledby="modal-title" aria-describedby="modal-description">
      <h2 id="modal-title">My Title</h2>
      <p id="modal-description">My Description</p>
  • The WAI-ARIA authoring practices can help you set the initial focus on the most relevant element, based on your modal content.

  • Keep in mind that a "modal window" overlays on either the primary window or another modal window. Windows under a modal are inert. That is, users cannot interact with content outside an active modal window. This might create conflicting behaviors.



See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.