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Breadcrumbs consist of a list of links that help a user visualize a page's location within the hierarchical structure of a website, and allow navigation up to any of its "ancestors".


The Breadcrumbs shows where in the site hierarchy the user is.

  <Link />



After installation, you can start building with this component using the following basic elements:

import Breadcrumbs from '@mui/joy/Breadcrumbs';

export default function MyApp() {
  return <Breadcrumbs />;

Basic usage

Breadcrumbs is a navigation component that is designed to be used with Link and Typography.

Press Enter to start editing

You can add an icon as a decorator to the Link and mix it with the color prop.


You can pass an icon component to the prop separator.

Press Enter to start editing



Be sure to add a aria-label description on the Breadcrumbs component.

The accessibility of this component relies on:

  • The set of links is structured using an ordered list (<ol> element).
  • To prevent screen reader announcement of the visual separators between links, they are hidden with aria-hidden.
  • A nav element labeled with aria-label identifies the structure as a breadcrumb trail and makes it a navigation landmark so that it is easy to locate.
  • The link to the current page has aria-current set to page.

CSS Variables

Play around with one of the CSS variables available in the breadcrumbs component to see how the design changes.

<Breadcrumbs />

CSS Variables


Common examples

Collapsed Breadcrumbs

You can change the color of the links. You can learn more about them in Link.

With Menu

You can use the Joy Breadcrumbs component together with the MUI Joy Menu component.